Your Contact Information

City* State* Zip*

Primary Phone* Secondary Phone

Animal Owner Information

Owner Name
Owner Address
City State Zip


City State Zip
Witness Phone (Optional)

Violation Information

Violation Address*
City* State* Zip*

What type of violation are you reporting?

Please check all that apply*

Date of Violation
Open the calendar popup.

Brief Description of What and Where Violation Occurred:*

Are there any precautions advised in investigating this complaint?

Description of Animals Involved*

Upload photos of the violation (maximum of three)

Important Disclosure Information Below

Please Note: Pierce County may be required to release your name and/or information submitted in this complaint pursuant to the Public Records Act (RCW 42.56) and/or pursuant to court order.

This submittal of the public service request is subject to public disclosure according to the public records act (RCW 42.56). This means anyone can request the release of the documents containing your name and contact information. However, information revealing the identity of persons who are witnesses to crimes or who file complaints with investigative agencies can be withheld from disclosure pursuant to RCW 42.56.240 if you believe the disclosure would endanger your life, physical safety or property.